Westbury White Horse
9.5 miles
This is also the White Horse Trail
Route - (Select Satellite view) and here is a Word File for easy printing (thanks to Carl Zalek)
Park cars on the side of the roads but do not block any exits or entrances
This stage is best suited to your fastest road runners. The whole route is on wide roads, some tarmaced, some unmade, with no obstacles like stiles, and follows the Imber Range Path to Westbury.
There may be a little traffic, no road closure has been requested.
Study the map carefully and get to know the route beforehand. There will not be any water points, so please provide water for your own runners.
To your left is Ministry of Department property along the whole route. Do not stray into this land.
Follow the road.
Take the first turn
½ mile
1 mile
1½ miles
2 miles
2.2 miles
Bear right here
2½ miles
3 miles
Keep straight on
3½ miles
4 miles
Keep straight on
4½ miles - turn left here
After 4½ miles the major track on which you are running turns left (although there is a path which continues straight ahead). Follow the major track.
5 miles
5½ miles
Do not turn right here ...
... but turn left
on to a totally different
road surface
and a little further on
turn right.
For the last part of this leg study the map carefully.
At the end
bear right
and quickly left
up the slope
and straight on.
Soon you will see, in the distance,
some trees on the right of the road. As you get
nearer you will realize that there is a building
there as well.
Turn right after this building
to your left,
you will see
the parking place for the Westbury White Horse.
The Westbury White Horse is just across the stile: Ordnance Survey reference ST 884 516
The views from here are magnificent.
Run to the end of the car park
and go through the gate on the right
Continue across the grass
you will soon see the White Horse.
Go through
the gate
and follow the path
above the White Horse.
Bear right at the next gate
(don't go through it)
and continue up the hill
to the stile
Turn left on to the road
You are entering Bratton
The finish is just
before the Westbury Road.
To go to the Recreation Ground
take care and walk across the road.
Turn left into
Court Lane
and continue
the hill
between the houses.
Keep straight on,
This is now
Trowbridge Road.
On your right you can see the entrance
to the recreation ground
This is the start of the next stage.
Showers and changing rooms are available here.