White Horse Relay
Charity No: 1092762
- Competitors take primary responsibilty for their safety and participate in the event at their own
The organisers accept no responsibility for personal accident nor damage to athletic equipment
or other personal effects nor any public liability.
- The decision of the Race Organiser will be final in all matters.
- The race is run according to UK:A rules.
- Each team must consist of up to ten runners,
but no runner may run consecutive legs.
- Mixed teams must consist of at least two men and two women, the other runners being of either sex.
- No runner may run for more than one team.
- All participants must be aged 16 years or older on the day of the race.
- Each stage will have a cut-off time.
- At any stage, if the nominated runner for that stage is not present at the start, then the team
will be awarded maximum points for that stage plus one more point as a penalty.
- If a runner starts a leg but does not finish, the team will be awarded maximum points for
that leg.
- Runners are responsible for their own hydration during and at the end of their stages.
Race Route
- It is the responsibility of each runner to follow the Race Route.
Some marshals will be present but
the organisers take no responsibility for ensuring that the trail is waymarked.
The team is advised to check out the course in advance of the race.
- Runners will not be disqualified for accidently deviating from the race route
where it is expressly written in the description of that route.
- Runners must pay attention to trespass and invasion of privacy that results from
route deviation.
Runners are reminded that any prosecution resulting from trespass or other related
offence is the sole liability of the runner.
- Runners cross roads at their own risk and are alone responsible for themselves.
Road crossings may not all be marshalled but if a marshal is present the runner
must not assume that the marshal will make it safe for their protected passage.
In other words, marshals, when present, will not be responsible for runners' safety.
- Most of these stages are along public rights of way, however runners should be aware
that these rights of way may pass through landowners' own land.
Team Responsibilites
- Runners' names are to be declared to the Race Organiser on the form provided at least two (2) weeks prior to the race.
Changes must be notified before the start of each stage or sooner if possible.
- The Team Captain must ensure that each runner in his/her team is safe should they get lost
or fail to comlete a leg.
- If a runner drops out, the marshal responsible for the finish of that leg must be notified.
- Each team will be required to supply a Marshal
for each of about 2 different stages.
These marshals will be given instructions for the minimum marshaling required.
Note: No more
than one person from each team shall be required to marshal at any one time,
although a team may have to provide two marshals at different times during the day.
- Each team captain will be advised to ask each member of his/her team to pioneer
their stages of the relay prior to race day.
Course Responsibility
- Gates which can be opened should not be climbed. Any runner opening a gate must ensure
that it is properly closed after passing through it.
- Any damage resulting to fences, gates or styles must be reported to a marshal at the
end of the stage.
A runner causing such damage must make their best efforts to leave the object stock-proof.
The organisers reserve the right to cancel the event due to unforseen circumstances and
entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable even in the event of cancellation.